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Three-step approach to well-being

Positive brain set

Did you know that achieving well-being can be complicated? However, with the right approach, it becomes achievable. In this post, I will share my three-step approach to well-being that has helped me improve balance in my life. And now, this approach has become part of Conscious Being by ME.


Well-being is a state of being well. It sounds simple, but things can get overwhelming when we start digging in and face the infinite information on this topic. To stay on track and focused, it is essential to have an approach that helps you ground yourself and digest everything about your personal well-being. Over the years, I have devised three step-approach that has stayed the same for a long time and has always worked for me. Firstly, well-being is unique for everyone. Secondly, it is essential to try new things and listen to your body when doing so. Finally, balance is the key to improving well-being. All three bits form a holistic approach allowing one to improve one’s well-being, no matter how complicated it is.

Step 1: Embrace your uniqueness

Well-being is unique for everyone, meaning there is no universal solution for an individual. We are all different and have different needs. One person wants to work next to the window, while the other prefers a dark corner; one colleague cruises through the day with music on, while the other demands silence to do some work. By recognising and accepting your uniqueness, you can explore what is good for you.

Step 2: Experiment and listen

The second step is all about experimenting and listening to your body. After recognising your uniqueness, the next step is trying new things and paying attention to how your body responds and feels about it. Whether trying a new workout routine, exploring a new hobby, or experimenting with a different diet, it is essential to pay attention to your body’s responses. You can also adjust existing diets or workout routines to fit your needs. From my personal experience, I have tried many activities, such as running, working with weights in the gym, participating in crossfit challenges and spartan races, focusing on yoga only, etc. Ultimately, I found a mix of power yoga, long walks and occasional bike rides. It feels right for me. However, I may change this combination later and add a different activity. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to improve your well-being; it’s all about finding what works best for you.

Step 3: Strive for the balance

The final step in my approach is about balance. Finding a healthy balance between work and personal life, rest and activity, and all the other aspects of your life are crucial. Finding balance takes effort, but it is worth it. When you find that sweet spot, you will feel more energised, focused, and motivated to make positive changes in your life. For instance, I have a weak lower back, and the balance between being active and staying still (e.g. sitting in front of the computer) is vital. Before discovering balance, I could easily injure my back with inaccurate movement leading to discomfort in different aspects of my daily life, including working, walking and sleeping. Knowing the importance of balanceI am making conscious amendments to my daily routine and have managed to avoid the repetition of the injury for more than a year vs suffering with my back every month.

Three-Step Approach in the Workplace

The three-step approach to well-being is not only effective for individuals but also for organisations. As a manager or business owner, recognising the uniqueness of each team member can help you create a more positive and productive workplace. Encouraging experimentation and listening to employee feedback can lead to better engagement and satisfaction. Additionally, striving for balance in the workplace can help reduce stress and burnout, leading to a more motivated and focused team. You can start experimenting with something simple, like holding team meetings in various settings. For example, gather your team at the cafe if you don’t discuss something private or discuss work at the parkShare your opinion about these experiences and ask for feedback from others to find the options that work for you and your team. 

In conclusion, improving your well-being is achievable with the right approach. By recognising your uniqueness, experimenting, and striving for balance, you can make positive changes in your life and achieve your well-being goals. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so take the time to explore what works best for you.

Be unique, experiment, strive to balance and be well!

To elaborate a bit more on the three-step approach to well-being described in the previous post, I want to share a personal story about me trying to achieve results and finding balance in sport. Some time ago I was visiting the gym in Melbourne, hoping to lose weight through exercising and change in nutrition. While I was training well under my coach’s supervision, I was struggling with eating healthy in my daily live. After another weekend with too much food, I asked for help, and he explained me one concept.

If I wanted a change, I needed a positive trend during the week, meaning eating well and healthy four days out of seven. This way I would have a positive dynamic and slowly but gradually achieve my goals. Also, I wouldn’t worry about food during the weekend. Then he added that if four days hard for me, I should start with one day. Once one day is achievable, I should try two days. He continued telling me not to stress and give up on myself, but to start with baby steps and wait. It took me at least half a year of real struggle, and then around two years of ups and down to shift the toxic relationship with food to a healthy one.

The road of changes is always winding and challenging. Be patient, never give up and you will achieve everything you want after some time. That is what I do in my daily life and in Conscious Being by ME as well – slow-paced changes with minimum stress today would lead to big results tomorrow.

P.S. For me the hardest part was to move from two healthy days to three healthy days per week, and then to four.

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