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Conscious Being by Me

Conscious Being by ME’s mission is to improve one’s well-being by creating healthy and supportive environments where every person can discover, nurture and grow his or her authentic self.

You can start now by scheduling your first call for free.


The well-being is the state of being well. And the being well state is different for everyone: it can be scientifically proved or based on intuition and gut feeling; it can affect one side of the life or the whole life; it can be as little as changing curtains in the bedroom up to building a park in the city for community to connect with the nature; it can be an individual well-being, company well-being or urban well-being. Moreover, well-being can be divided into various aspects, and there are many ways to explore well-being, to understand it and to improve it. And to get to the state of being well it is essential to be present and be conscious about what you are doing and how it affects you.

women working o a peaceful environment

What we do?

Conscious Being by ME (CBbyME) is a well-being consultancy that explores and promotes well-being on different levels and in different places. CBbyME believes that we all should concentrate on our being and make it conscious so every minute counts whether it is the best time of our life or the most challenging. So CBbyME is here to explore well-being from all possible sides together with you and support you on your path to become the best version of yourself.

We operate on three levels

Individual well-being

CB by ME guides the journey of individuals who want to understand, explore and improve their well-being. We organise individual coaching sessions where we learn about your well-being, experiment with it and improve it together.

Workplace well-being

The main focus of CB by ME is assessing employees’ well-being at the workplace, providing recommendations on improving or supporting well-being, and guiding its implementation. We also develop and deliver workshops to raise awareness about the importance of well-being at work and beyond.

City well-being

CB by ME conducts research and analysis to measure citizens’ well-being in specific areas or the whole city and we develop recommendations to improve it. We can act as a laboratory organising research, an external consultant helping to implement changes for improving well-being, or can conduct learning sessions raising awareness about well-being for citizens.