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Why CB by me?

We value everyone and believe that every human is unique and deserve to be the best version of him- or herself. We want to help you analyse your well-being, together study it and support you on your journey to be the best version of yourself and enjoy your life in whatever you do.

We believe that every working environment is unique and sometimes may require some changes. We like to assess working spaces and discuss results with you to make the whole environment better and nourishing for being and growing.

When we talk about well-being, we believe that it can be as complex as you want. Nevertheless, we prefer to highlight eight main aspects: Physical well-being, Mental well-being, Career well-being, Financial well-being, Social well-being, Environment well-being, Intellectual well-being and Spiritual well-being.

Egor Chirikin – CEO

My name is Egor (pronounced as Yeh-gor) Chirikin, and I am the founder of Conscious Being by ME. I have worked previously in city planning and management and I have an expertise in statutory and strategic urban development and community focussed view of planning. I have a comprehensive knowledge of global urban development trends and best practices. CBbyME was born from the mixture of my purpose and goals, desires and values, dreams and thoughts. Creating CBbyME I thought about my personal well-being and everyone around me; I thought about my experience in office and my journeys to different cities. I brought my beliefs and values to the new consultancy and would like to share them with me. 

Want to learn more? Read my journey blog.